Friday, September 19, 2008

Introduction 2

Okay, yes I know. Second post and the comic is not a year AND A HALF in the works, but all the same. I was away for the summer! Away from my friends John, Steve, and Hayner (who are introduced here).

So, I've decided to not focus on the character so much as to focus on jokes and stuff. There's a lot of funny stuff to be had in college... :)

Oh yes, and "Our crew is fast" should be changed to "Our crew is slower than the Post Office divided by the speed of light", However, if I did that, the joke would be ruined. Hayner really isn't that slow, he's just a hippie. And I just contradicted myself. :)

Friday, April 4, 2008


I'd like to welcome everyone to The Pitt and The Pendulum. This comic strip has been in the making for an entire year, so its about time that it finally comes to digital paper.

My name is Tim Pittman and I make the Pitt and the Pendulum. This particular comic is the first comic that was ever made. Granted, my friends have said that this should not be the first comic because it is so violent and that it will turn people away, but I don't think I'll be brought up on charges for slicing the Cathedral of Learning in half with a giant pendulum...